Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Short story

Short story...

People knows short story is a fiction. Short story usually to tell about many story in our life. Tell about love,friendship,and other. Short stories tend to be less complex than novels. Usually a short story focuses on only one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a small number of characters, and covers a short period of time.
Many short story writers define their work through a combination of creative, personal expression and artistic integrity. As a result, many attempt to resist categorization by genre as well as definition by numbers, finding such approaches limiting and counter-intuitive to artistic form and reasoning. As a result, definitions of the short story based upon length splinter even more when the writing process is taken into consideration.Short story consist of theme,charachter,plot,style.
Perhaps all people can to make short story if they have a imagine. The interesting from short story is we will to take about many lesson. Like we can to know about anything in our life happened. You know, make a short story is easy. You just thinking about anything else that in your mind. Don't thinking that short story make bored. That's very bad mind.
Short story save many special lesson. If we make a short story,we will have a special things. That's mean you have a creative and wonderful imagine. Cause short story can to show you that our life to be nice if you will brave to face your life.
Exactly, you will to happy if you write a short story. First,you can to thinking about what is story you want. Then, you start write anything in your mind. But remember you have to focus and consentrate about your story that will you write it.

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009



Komputer sangat penting dalam kehidupan..
Apalagi dunia kerja selalu menuntut agar karyawan dapat menggunakannya..
Fasilitas komputer yang bermanfaat yaitu:
Word digunakan untuk mengetik laporan,karya tulis,dokumen dan lainnya
EXCEL digunakan untuk mengolah data kelompok
yang terdiri dari angka dan rumus-rumus komputer.
Digunakan untuk presentasi suatu bisnis atau iklan atau yang lain.
Dengan komputer kita bisa menggunakan internet..
Yang bisa berhubungan dengan relasi kita di mana pun..
Banyak informasi yang bisa didapat dari internet..
Kita mencari pekerjaan pun bisa lewat internet..
So,kita harus bisa mengoperasikan komputer..
Walau hanya dasarnya yang penting punya keahlian dalam komputer..

Take care about Healthy


Kesehatan mungkin bisa dikatakan mahal untuk sekarang..
Apalagi flu babi sudah masuk indonesia..
Wah,,sekarang semua orang harus waspada...
Ini saatnya kita semua menjaga kesehatan kita..
Seperti lagunya Michael Jackson yang judulnya Heal the World..
Bahwa kita harus menjaga bumi ini untuk anak cucu kita..
Apalagi bumi kita ini sudah sangat tua..
Harus hati-hati dalam bersikap untuk kita manusia..
Ya,,paling tidak dari sendiri dulu..
Karena penyakit-penyakit yang timbul sekarang ini..
Disebabkan ulah manusia..
Yang berperilaku hidup yang tidak sehat..
Untuk itu dari sekarang mulai hidup sehat..
Cara hidup sehat itu adalah:
1. Makan makanan yang bersih dan sehat
2. Jaga kebersihan diri sendiri,rumah,dan lingkungan
3. Istirahat and olahraga sih pasti
Yang pasti kita harus selalu menjaga kesehatan agar kita bisa memanfaatkan hidup kita jadi lebih baik lagi...

About me

This is about me...

Guys,,,just call me rierie..
How do you do aLL??
I hope U're great and happy..
I wanna tell you about me..
I am a simple girl..
I have many dream but I can't to get it..
Sometimes I was sad..
Why I can't to get my dream..
Now I'm sad too..
Because I haVe to take a conclusion in my life..
But noone support me for my decision..
I am alone now..
No one care to me or anything..
They just always busy in them activities..
I need a pal or a friend..
Always together with me to face all problem...
Thinking about it I want to cry...
But I have to face a life..
I must sincelery...
I always stay for my family...
I hope I can to get many friend in my blog...

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

My Hobby


Today I'll to tell you about my hobby...

I like write a poetry if I am happy and sad...
I don't know why I like that..
But guys,,not easy for make a poetry..
Coz you have a imagination and feeling..
You have a art for writing at poetry...
I like to shou about my heart wid poetry..
It just make me enjoy and special in my life..
Sometimes my poetry is bad than other person..
But I always make a poetry to amuse my mind if I am bored..
It's fantastic...
I get a experience,entertain,and good feeling...
Exactly...make my life to be romantic and get a spirit...
That's all..


Welcome to my blog

Nice to meet you everybody who is view my blog...
I wanna tell you about "Tourism in Cilacap"...
You know BEACH?????
I'm sure you know that...
I invite you to the beach in Cilacap..

You can to get enjoyable in there..
Coz there are beautiful place..
So you have to go there...
You can to show sunset in the morning and sunrise in the evening..
I'm sure you're happy..
Enjoy to the beach in cilacap now...
You can to join your family,girlfriend,boyfriend,and other..
The beach is romantic place..
Many love in there..
You can to play sand in there wid your family....
You show a TREKDAM...

You will to show your feeling for anything you want...
Scream your heart feeling for make your heart to be happy and wonderful..
Come on guys to the beach in cilacap...
Don't waste your time about anything your problem..
Forget it and take your happiness!!!!!!!!